Indian Ocean Memorandum of Understanding (IOMOU) on port State control (PSC)
The Indian Ocean Memorandum of Understanding (IOMOU) on port State control (PSC) in the Indian Ocean region was finalized on the basis of the first
preparatory meeting held in India in October 1997 and the second meeting in June 1998 in South Africa.The first Committee meeting of MOU took place at Goa. During this meeting in Goa from 20th to 22nd January 1999 the countries signed acceptance of the Memorandum of Understanding, they are Australia, Eritrea, India, Sudan, South Africa and Tanzania. Subsequently, Mauritius, Sri Lanka, Iran, Kenya, Maldives, Oman, Yemen, France, Bangladesh, Comoros, Mozambique, Seychelles, Myanmar and Madagascar acceded to the MOU. As of now, twenty countries have become parties to the Memorandum.
Port State Control (PSC) is the inspection of foreign ships in national ports
For safe, secure and efficient shipping on Clean Ocean, each individual Country would have a right to inspect foreign flag ships entering their ports. In order to
verify and ensure that the ships entering their ports are in optimal conditions. To comply with the requirement of international regulations and that the ship is manned and operated in compliance with these international regulations...
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Indian Ocean Computerized Information System (IOCIS)
An Indian Ocean Computerized Information System (IOCIS) is established for the purpose of exchanging information on port State inspections.It makes available to member Authorities,
information on inspection of ships in other regional ports to assist them in their selection of foreign flag ships to be inspected and their exercise of port State control on selected ships. It provide effective information exchange facilities regarding port State control in the region. It makes worldwide coverage database with other MOU's. Instant availability of PSC information enables maritime authorities to ensure quick compliance of IMO guidelines and timely identification and elimination of substandard ships from the Indian Ocean region towards 'safe, secure and efficient shipping on cleaner oceans'.
PSC Inspection data search for decision making
For the purpose of providing more transparent information on activities of the Indian Ocean MoU, the Port State Control Committee has decided to publish the PSC inspection data on the web-site.
The inspection database under this section has been developed for providing the facilities to make search and view the results of inspections conducted by the member Authorities of the Indian Ocean MOU on Port State Control...
Ship Detention List 9 March 2025
The Committee of the IOMOU during its 16th Committee meeting decided to publish ship detention list in an on-line mode for public view.
Underperforming Ships List 9 March 2025
The 16th IOMOU Committee decided to publish a list of underperforming ships based on criteria of more than 2 detentions in last 24 months for the purpose of eradicating sub-standard ships.
Ships on Watchlist 9 March 2025
The list contains the alert received from the Secretariat of another MOU, a flag State and a classification society In accordance with Section 3.8.2 (non-compliance of agreed conditions) of the Indian Ocean MOU.
Banned Vessels by Member Authorities
9 March 2025
The list contains all ships that are currently banned by member authorities of the IOMOU in the Indian Ocean MOU region.
Ship Risk Profile (SRP) 9 March 2025
The NIR assigns SRP (High, Standard or Low risk) to every ship in IOCIS database, based on recorded PSC inspection data of KPIs for last 36 months using Ship Risk Profile Calculation matrix.
Annual Report-2023
3 April 2024
This annual report outlines the recent activities carried out in the India Ocean regions (i.e., trainings, seminars, CIC conducted in the region), along with statistical port State inspection data conducted by the member Authorities of the IOMOU in the year 2023. Total number of inspections are 5785 and detentions are 247. It also provides a short write-up presented by the member Authority of Seychelles.
Annual Report - 2022 4 April 2023
This annual report outlines the recent activities carried out in the India Ocean regions (i.e., trainings, seminars, CIC conducted in the region), along with statistical port State inspection data conducted by the member Authorities of the IOMOU in the year 2022. Total number of inspections are 5060 and detentions are 199. It also provides a short write-up presented by the member Authority of Iran..
Annual Report - 2021 1 April 2022
This annual report outlines the recent activities carried out in the India Ocean regions (i.e., trainings, seminars, CIC conducted in the region), along with statistical port State inspection data conducted by the member Authorities of the IOMOU in the year 2021. Total number of inspections are 4993 and detentions are 198. It also provides a short write-up presented by the member Authority of Seychelles.
Annual Report - 2020 22 April 2021
This annual report outlines recent activities carried out in Indian Ocean region along with statistical port state inspection data conducted by the member Authorities of IOMOU in the year 2020. Total number of inspections 4762 and detentions are 218. It provides short write-up by South Africa and cover page photo by Seychelles.
PSC Booklet 15 April 2020
This booklet provides information based on the relevant IMO Instruments, ILO Instruments, IOMOU PSC Manual and the PSC inspections carried out by the various member Authorities of the IOMOU.
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- USHAKAL, House No.92, Plot No.A-8, Rangavi Estate, Dabolim, Goa- 403 801 INDIA
- Tel: 91 832 2538128/398
Fax: 91 832 2538127 - Email: iomou[dot]sec(at)nic[dot]in
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